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OPENVAERS UBIJA LAŽNO GLOBALISTIČNO NARATIVO | Kako hlapčevskega imbecila zadeneš tja kjer ga najbolj boli
Obširno smo že razkrinkali modus operandi lažnivih FAKE CHECKERJEV. Vse kar ta nesojena plačana imbecilna drhal napiše, velja izključno za njih same.  Popolna avtobiografija. Torej kratek povzetek dejstev: Fake Checkerji so pisci vnaprej pripravljenih namišljenih skriptov, ki sledijo lažnivi narativ
Sodobna 'medicina' temelji na politiki in dogmi, NE na znanosti
V spomin na britanskega biologa, žvižgača Harolda Hillmana. Plandemija COVID-19 ni pokvarila zdravstvenega sistema. OBRNJENO. Koruptivni zdravstveni sistem nam je namestil prevaro COVID-19.   Brian Shilhavy Health Impact News   Ker dokazi še naprej vsakodnevno poplavljajo in kažejo, kako "cepiv
Dokazi in indici o te kaj bo sledilo, če se ne združimo v neuničljivo silo
Najprej si poglejte video na povezavi pod tem odstavkom, v katerem so dokazi o tem kar je načeloma vsaj del končnega cilja, "endgame-a", ki ga globalna elita želi doseči s krizami (covid, ekonomsko, vojno, kibernetsko in podnebno).  https://secure. brownstoneresearch.com/?cid= MKT602858&eid=MKT61342
Elektromagnetno orožje, grafenov oksid in aktivirane bolezni: razkrivanje Covid-5G povezave
New BraveWorld 2. aprila 2022 Že od začetka sage o Covidu so ljudje ugibali o možni povezavi med povečano "boleznijo" in uvedbo omrežij 5G po vsem svetu. In čeprav »Covid-19« skorajda ni bil apokaliptična smrtna nevihta, za katero so jo predstavljali mediji, je bil na določenih območjih zabelež
Pfizer je najel 600+ ljudi za obdelavo poročil o poškodbah zaradi cepljenja, tako razkrivajo dokumenti
Pfizer je za obdelavo poročil o neželenih dogodkih v treh mesecih po odobritvi "cepiva proti COVID-19" zaposlil približno 600 dodatnih zaposlenih za polni delovni čas, do junija 2021 pa jih je nameraval zaposliti še 1800, razkrivajo novo objavljeni dokumenti.  Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., The Defende
Dosežek fikcije
»Edini način, da je pridobitev funkcije/biološkega orožja smiselna, je, če se za razlago dogajanja v tej raziskavi uporabi izvirna latinska definicija besede »virus«. V latinščini "virus" pomeni "tekoči strup" in virologi preprosto ustvarjajo tekoči strup v laboratoriju z uporabo celičnih kultur.
COVID - Največja laž v svetovni zgodovini: Pandemije nikoli ni bilo.
Baza podatkov je pomanjkljiva. Mandati Covid, vključno s cepivom, so neveljavni. PCR "potrjeni primeri Covid-19" so nesmiselni. Projekt za testiranje antigena in doma, vrednega več milijard dolarjev, je lažen. Destabilizacija družbene, politične in gospodarske strukture 190 suverenih držav ne more
Love Spells Tips By Free of Cost Spell Casters Online To Control Mind of Your Beloved And Attract Them Towards You
Love Spells Tips When it comes to fulfil the wish lots of the people can do anything. Still there are maximum those who does not know about the power of spells. The spells have an energy which a person can use for their good. These spells can do wonders for a person. Even in the matter of love peopl
The US Space Command has released the following information: “US President Donald Trump is safe and currently located at the Cheyenne Mountain/Cheyenne Mountain space station near Colorado.” There have been three attempted murder in the last two weeks. The Hazardous Mafia / Kabal is clear that Trump
Pazite se prodajalcev kačjega olja
“Teorija kačjega strupa dr. Bryana Ardisa temelji na razlagi neočiščenega goljufivega genoma “SARS-COV-2”, ki je sam zgrajen na sklicevanju na druge goljufive genome ljudi in živalske "koronaviruse", ustvarjene na enak način. Poskusi zatrjevanja kakršne koli povezave med naključnimi A,C,T,G v raču
7-dnevno povprečje števila smrti ''zaradi covida'' v Avstraliji je trenutno 18-krat večje kot pred dvema letoma
Popolnoma cepljeni predstavljajo 4 od vsakih 5. v rekordnem valu smrti zaradi Covid-19 v Avstraliji. Avstralija je nedavno zabeležila 7-dnevno povprečje 72. smrti "zaradi Covid-19" vsak dan. Toda med "prvim valom Covid-19", ki je državo prizadel marca 2020, je 7-dnevno povprečje pomenilo največ 4 sm
Dejstvo je, da resnici ni mar za mnenja in napačna prepričanja zdravnikov, pardon, prevarantov.
JULY 5, 2021 BY ROGUE MALE Quackery, Pure and Simple Yesterday’s post was about the quackery of the British Medical Association and the nonsense spouted by those who claim to be Doctors but are actually Ducktors, who, being such, espouse quackery. The entire fortress of so-called modern medicine
Covid je največja laž v svetovni zgodovini in profesor Michel Chossudovsky je to dokazal
Največja laž v svetovni zgodovini: nikoli ni bilo pandemije. Baza podatkov je pomanjkljiva. Covid mandati, vključno s "cepivom", so neveljavni. Destabilizacija družbene, politične in gospodarske strukture 190 suverenih držav ne more predstavljati "rešitve" za boj proti virusu. Toda to je bila vsilj
Torej, če je 'cepljen', je pravkar dokazal, da ne deluje.Če ni 'cepljen' in postane negativen, bo dokazal, da 'cepiva' ne potrebujete. ====== Originalni prispevek https://ara.tv/c4j9f ====== Bill Gates discusses his new book 'How To Prevent The Next Pandemic' onstage at 92Y on May 03, 2022
Canon.com/ijsetup Get Started Here If you just bought a new printer, then you have to set it up via canon.com/ijsetup . Whether you are a new or old use of Canon printers, you have to visit the official website of Canon. It offers the most advanced and efficient printing services, smoothening produ
Real Tips To Convince Someone For Marriage
If you have a love you want to marry with that person but your family does not agree then you can use this real mantra to convince someone. dua to make someone do what you want . for changing someone's mind, mind and heart can be used . We will provide you dua to convince someone for marriage. You w
Simple And Effective Mantra For Love
Time is going according to their pace . if you think that your partner wants to separate with you due to some misunderstanding or some small fight . but you don't want to separate with your love of life . then you can use the real mantra to stay someone in your life . Kamakhya devi vashikaran mantra
Wazifa To Make Someone Obey You
Wazifa To Make Someone Do What You Want or to make someone talk to you can be used to make someone contact you. Utilise our Dua to make someone agree to what you say. There are various kinds of wazifa to make someone do what you want. We as a whole realise there are different wazifa to get freed of
Excellent Mantra To Approach Wife For Come Back
Is your wife not listening to you? Might it be you are looking to control your wife with a simple mantra? The following Celestial prophet will direct you in the wake of reading and casting wife vashikaran mantra in Hindi . Husband wife relationship is very extraordinary . Couples become life accompl
Spell To Get Back Wife
Vashikaran mantra is a very old rithual and it is also connected from traditional science. Nowaday people are facing many life problems. Sometimes they break their marital relationship. It is very worg for all of them. Now this time you will set your marital relationship again and make your marriage
Mantra To Get Your Love On Track
Is your partner cheating on you? Or he is involved in an extramarital undertaking. Then, at that point, you definitely need to know how you can prevent extramarital issues from doing it. Along with this, once you are our expert Kauri Kamakhya Tantrik, he will tell you the solution and will also solv
Easy Spell To Make Your Loved One Text You
Maybe you've heard about text me spell or not , You may be thinking of what is the need of this one but nobody knows what is in the future for us and when we need a spell . So this text me spell is the best casted spell by our expert astrologer for the people who are looking for some kind of love is
Mantra To Draw In Lost Love Back
If you feel that you can’t live with that person and want to bring him/her back in your Life, then the vashikaran mantra for husband in Hind can help you to fulfill your desire. This is a very powerful mantra and works very fast to give you accurate results in a very short time. Eventually, you can
Chant Spell To Control Wife
If you want your married life to be happy and without any worries? If your marital relationship has reached divorce and you want to save your relationship by using vashikaran mantra. Then Astrologer will provide to you the most powerful mantra to control wife and husband, it will help you control so
Simply Using Mantra To Control Your Husband
Marriage is the greatest relationship in personal life. Every one individual has dreams of their marriage life and need to husband vashikaran mantra in Hindi to make their wedded life effective. However, in some cases as the relationship goes some severe take royal residence two or three beginnings
Nevrokirurg Russell L. Blaylock: Resnica o Covid-19 in cepivih
22. april 2022 O avtorju: Upokojeni nevrokirurg, Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, Ridgeland, Mississippi, ZDA. Russell L. Blaylock: moc.liamg@7036yalB Vir: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9062939/ * * Pandemija COVID-19 je eden od najbolj zmanipuliranih nalezljivih bolezni v zg
Best Hoodoo For Break A Relationship
Have you been seeing abuses in a relationship including somebody you care about? There's a critical need to project a hoodoo break up spell to disintegrate that relationship calmly. With a viable hoodoo break up spell , your old flame will fly off the handle. Furthermore, regardless of whether you'r
Mantra For Inter-Caste Marriage Problem
Being in love is ecstasy, but convincing parents for an inter-caste marriage is entirely different. But need not worry because astrologers have the solution for how to convince parents for love marriage in different castes. mantra to convince parents for love marriage . The astrological remedies or
Manifest Someone To Text You
Waiting to make him text me now is anguishing, yet how might you make it come faster? Whether it's from your crush, a companion, or your chief, it's not difficult to speed things up and show the specific text you need. There's a great deal you can do to get a positive outlook and urge the universe t
Good Decision To Text You
Do you need to spell to make him call you quickly? If your answer is yes, then you have come to the right place because I am going to teach you step by step how to spell to make him call you instantly, but not only that, expert also going to show you how to spell to make him call you . he will also
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