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Milorad's 'cataloning' for nothing
By: Haris LJEVO The Catalan independence referendum has been a great opportunity for all those who fantasize about the Republika Srpska's secession from Bosnia and Herzegovina to make their point.  Many of them seized the opportunity to point out that Catalans have a right to declare independence
Russian role in BiH: Ivancov's brutal interference in the internal affairs of BiH
By: Haris Ljevo The decision of the Constitutional Court BiH to reject the appellation of the Republika Srpska relating to the registration of immovable defense properties with the state, has provoked divided reactions in BiH. One of those who promptly reacted to the decision was the Russian ambas
Disowned by generals: Sefer 'Boris' Halilovic intended a coup and a conflict within RBiH Army!
Of all the former Yugoslav republics, it is only in Bosnia and Herzegovina that ex members of the secret police and intelligence officers of JNA's KOS (counterintelligence service) are allowed to (legally) head political parties. That in itself presents a serious security deficit of Bosnia and Herze
'THE STORM' anniversary: Will Dodik congratulate his partner Covic?
By: Sead Omeragic Marking the 22nd anniversary of the Croatian military action 'Storm' is under way. There are many people in Bosnia and Herzegovina who wonder if Milorad Dodik will congratulate his partner Dragan Covic. In the RS, Dodik is reprimanded for many failures. And some of those seem to
SDA from Alija to Bakir: Once Bosniak strength, today burdened with internal unrest and crime
The Party of Democratic Action (Stranka demokratske akcije – SDA) will mark its 27th anniversary on 26 May 2017. Ever since its inception, the party has been headed by 3 men only. The first president was Alija Izetbegovic who led the party and the Bosniaks during the most dramatic period of Bosnian
Economic breakdown a la SDA: From criminal privatization to vegetative state
SDA has been the ruling party in FBiH since 1990. After the war, people expected progress in every field, a better life and employment rates growth. However, everything has been taking place at the slowest possible rate. Led by SDA, Bosniak people has lost all of its battles – in all fields. Catast
Former FBiH prime ministers: Where are they, what are they up to?
Since it was founded in 1994 and the Washington Peace Agreement, Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina has had 9 prime ministers. Most of them came from SDA. This party gave 6 prime ministers, including the current federal prime minister, Fadil Novalic.  Two of the prime ministers came from SDP, one fr
Senator John McCain: Messages of courage for BiH
Who is John McCain, an American senator who visited BiH and sent very positive and encouraging messages? Senator McCain is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. McCain's father and grandfather were both four-star admirals with the United States Navy. John McCain graduated from the U.S.
Dodik and Covic: Foreigners vs. Foreigners
By: Sead Omeragic - It is high time for BH institutions and its representatives to take responsibility for this country, Dodik and Covic publicly shared their joint position following their meeting in Banja Luka. Should the institutions really take responsibility, this duo would be already sitting
Partners needed: Joint endeavors of Dodik and Covic
Following their formal meeting earlier today, Milorad Dodik (SNSD) and Dragan Covic (HDZ) told journalists that SNSD and HDZ wish to solve all issues arising from their joint activities – through dialogue. - We are not doing anything against the third (side). This is about dynamic development of ou
Ivanic misused BH Armed Forces: Honorary Unit may pass but not the Third infantry regiment!
The Chairman of BH Presidency, Mladen Ivanic, misused the Third Infantry Regiment (Republika Srpska) of the BH Armed Forces by lining it up on Sunday in Banja Luka during a ceremony marking nonconstitutional holiday 'Day of RS'. According to the regulations about the use of the Honorary Unit of the
Who is Ivanic's president?
By: Sead Omeragic Recent statement by Mladen Ivanic, the member of BH Presidency, that he is not interested in the situation in the Federation BiH, annoyed the public. The statement is just one in a row of his radical views. Ivanic said that in his capacity of the Chairman of the BiH Presidency. B
Emancipation in the background
By: Sead Omeragic 'BiH is not politically emancipated', President of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, said in an interview. What does 'political emancipation' of a state really mean? The dictionary says it is 'the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; l
Covic's Herzeg-Bosnia
By: Sead Omeragic 'Had HZHB not been founded, it is unlikely that we would have been talking about all this today. Maybe even somebody else would have been lighting candles for us. We are proud of HZHB and HRHB', Dragan Covic, HDZ BiH leader said during the celebration marking the 25th anniversary
General Wilz: The AF of BiH require a Military Intelligence capability
Brigadier General Giselle M. Wilz is the Commander and Senior Military Representative of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Headquarters in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her role inter alia includes  advising the local authorities on military aspects of security sector reform. We sought Gen
SDA – SBB Coalition will live despite of freezing cold relations of its leaders
Yesterday's meeting of SDA Collegium lasted for 4.5 hours. That's how much time was needed to cover the topics of the elections in Stolac and Srebrenica, as well as the newly developed situation following the hearing of Fahrudin Radoncic in Kosovo, where he said that 'Bosniak state mafia' is respons
Na jugu BiH zemljotres jačine 4,3 stepena po Richteru
Potres jačine 4.3 stepena po Richteru zatresao je BiH u 10.30 sati, objavljeno je na stranici EMSC-a, prenosi Patria. Epicentar je bio na dubini od 2 kilometra, nedaleko od Mostara. Osjetio se i na jugu Hrvatske. Još nema informacija ima li materijalne štete.   Map of the testimonies received so
Huskic: BiH is one of the key foreign policy priorities of Croatia and Serbia
There doesn't seem to be any calm yet after the storm caused by the visit of Croatia's Bozo Petrov and Miro Kovac to Stolac. Croatian delegation paid the visit to this BH town outside of any protocol, following on the interruption of municipal elections on 2 October due to an incident at one of the
Stolac on the main road to Herzeg-Bosnia: What Miro Kovac and Bozo Petrov do not know
Miro Kovac, the foreign minister of Republic Croatia and Bozo Petrov, the vice-president of the government of Croatia are coming to Stolac. Based on their statements prior to departure, it does not appear to be a friendly visit. The issue at stake are the endangered Croats of Stolac. Kovac and Petr
Prosecutor's Office BiH: Italian journalist faked story about weapon trade, video actors confessed
In the last 48 hours, the Prosecutor's Office BiH, the Operational Group for the Fight against Terrorism, SIPA and the Border Police, carried out a thorough investigation following a TV feature by an Italian journalist about the alleged weapon trade in BiH for ISIL, the Prosecutor's office said in a
Sebija came, they left: Another three highly esteemed doctors left the University Clinical Center
The trend of departures from the University Clinical Center Sarajevo continues as another 3 experts in the fields of pediatrics and plastic surgery leave the clinic. One of the top pediatric surgeons in BiH, highly esteemed specialist and until recently the chief of Clinic for Pediatric Surgery, Dr
Salihovic: I request a public proceeding so that everyone could see that I was falsely incriminated
Following a decision on his suspension, BH Chief Prosecutor Goran Salihovic released a statement: Dear Citizens: Following the decision of the disciplinary commission, which stipulates that it did not take into account evidence or any other relevant facts, I would like to say that I will file a co
Maric for NAP: How come BH politicians do not resign after their parties lose the elections?
President of SDP Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, resigned following his party's failure to win the majority in the Croatian Parliament at the elections that took place on 11 September. Tomislav Karamarko, then President of HDZ, also resigned several months earlier, following his failure to assemble the g
Political Dance: Criminals cleaned the territory, peacemakers like Covic will seal the results
Interview with Dragan Covic on TV1 is full of contradictions, illogicalities and unfounded political games. Unfortunately, not in one single answer did Covic sound tolerant or with strong arguments, as he succeeded to impress in the past. He began with a shock: - Republika Srpska is our reality, w
Neochetniks in Serbia have gone further than neoustashas in Croatia
Citizens of BiH have kept Ivo Josipovic, the former President of Croatia in good memory – as a moderate, tolerant chief of a neighboring country. After his departure from SDP Croatia, Josipovic founded his own party 'Naprijed Hrvatska'. We spoke with Mr. Josipovic about his political career, situat
Relationships in the coalition and the election campaign halted the work of BH Presidency?!
The last regular session of the Presidency BiH was held on 28 July 2016. According to the official website of the Presidency, these sessions used to be held up to 3 times each month; that's why one cannot but wonder how come that the month of August passed without one single meeting of the state hig
Nikolic and Vucic with the RS officials: The Belgrade meeting on referendum has begun
Serbia's President and Prime Minister Tomislav Nikolic and Aleksandar Vucic have started their meeting with the top ranks of the RS government. They will analyze the situation following the PIC's decision and invitation thereafter to the RS government to abandon the idea of referendum, Serbian media
Becirovic: The West has to counter reincarnation of Milosevic's politics
Director of International Institute for Middle East and Balkans Studies (IFIMES) Ljubljana, Dr Zijad Becirovic in an interview for News Agency Patria said that he did not see 'the need to reinvent the wheel and seek some special solutions after PIC took such a stance'. - The High Representative sho
HWPL to Host "2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit” in Seoul
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL, Chairman Man Hee Lee) is hosting its “2nd Annual Commemoration of September 18th World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit” from September 17th through 19th. At the 2nd Annual Commemoration many of the world’s political and religious leaders
House of Representatives: No raise of excises, public RTV systems on their own!
Another session of House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH is concluded. Delegates went rather quickly through the agenda following rejection of Denis Becirovic's initiative to include in the agenda Information of the Council of Ministers about illegal calling, organizing and h
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