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Ustoličenje Tedrosa kot zdravstvenega diktatorja sveta: razprodaja suverenosti človeštva
POVEZAVA IN OBRAZLOŽITEV PETICIJE SO SPODAJ ❗❗❗ Ustoličenje Tedrosa kot zdravstvenega diktatorja sveta: razprodaja suverenosti človeštva   Peter Breggin: "Če spremembe sprejmejo od 22. maja do 28. maja, lahko [generalni direktor WHO Tedros] razglasi izredne zdravstvene razmere v drža
Slovenec je izvolil Goloba, četudi ni vedel, kaj počne. A ne obupajte, kajti še huje bo.
"Slovenci smo postali dediči treh stvari: parlamentarnih volitev 24. aprila 2022, vojne v Ukrajini in korone. Vse nekako slišijo na isti skupni imenovalec, to je na nedokončano tranzicijo in medijski totalitarizem, povezan z njo." Piše: Boštjan M. Turk* Za kaj gre? V sredo, 11. maja 2022, sem bil
Kopirano: Alica Dh Pandemijo opicjih koz je bilo za pricakovati in hkrati dokazuje, da je tako farmacija, kot politika vedela kaj dela s cepljenjem. Cepljeni imajo slabsi imunski sistem, to je dejstvo. Virus herpesa ima vecina ljudi v telesu. Ko imunski sistem pade, se marsikomu izpusti herpes
Vremenski fenomen: v avstralski puščavi rekordno nizke temperature
Nikoli se še ni zgodilo, da bi temperatura pod ničlo vztrajala tako dolgo. Mesto Alice Springs je zmrznilo.
Monaška princesa Charlène osupljiva v Pradini obleki na plesu Rdečega križa
Na glasbenem večeru, ki ga je vodila Alicia Keys, je monaška princesa sijoča in sproščena v svoji čudoviti obleki nosila zaročni prstan, ki ji ga je podaril Albert. Njeno obleko in osupljiv nakit si oglejte v fotogaleriji.
The Great Reset: Uradni dokumenti od 2019- 2022 o človeško-strojnih hibridih
* * * Harari je oseba, ki je navdušila predsednika vlade RS Roberta Goloba * Yuval Harari, glavni ideolog Svetovnega gospodarskega foruma pravi, da čez 100-200 let na planetu Zemlja ne bo več nobenega človeka. Z nanotehnologijo bodo spremenili ljudi v bogove, ki bodo imeli drugačna telesa in možg
Simple And Effective Mantra For Love
Time is going according to their pace . if you think that your partner wants to separate with you due to some misunderstanding or some small fight . but you don't want to separate with your love of life . then you can use the real mantra to stay someone in your life . Kamakhya devi vashikaran mantra
How to Make your Ex-love back
In today's era people are busy with their work and they do not    give proper time to their partner or family . it may arise between many couples. if your partner leaves you due to misunderstanding but you cannot live without him/her . you can use a real mantra . kamakhya vashikaran mantra  . Almost
Mantras To Control A Spouse
In life, when you live a happy married life with your husband. And then your husband's behavior and habits change negatively. Then it is wrong with you because of your husband's appropriation of bad habits and behavior. You can use this powerful mantra Kamakhya Devi Mantra For Vashikaran . Despite y
पति को वश में करने के उपाय।
यदि किसी को वश में करना हो तो कामाख्या वशीकरण मंत्र अत्यंत कारगर है| बशर्ते कि इसे सही तरीके से और उचित कारण से किया जाए| इस प्रयोग के लिए आधी रात का समय चुनें| एकांत कक्ष में किसी पीठिका पर लाल कपड़ा बिछा दें| उस पर देवी कामाख्या की तस्वीर रखें| प्रथमतः पंचोपचार विधि से पूजा करें| पुनः हाथ में जल ल
Ways to Get My Love Back By Mantra
Love is a very powerful factor in human life. Love supports, comforts, and alleviates worries. At times, love life can bring disappointments due to several reasons. If you lost your love for some reason, there is a powerful Kamakhya vashikaran specialist. These powerful Vashikaran mantras can let yo
In, kdo bo odgovarjal … Poročilo CDC: Rekordno število otrok hospitaliziranih po tem, ko je bila njihova imuniteta oslabljena …
Poročilo CDC: Rekordno število otrok hospitaliziranih po tem, ko je bila njihova imuniteta oslabljena zaradi socialne distance in mask Avtor: Alicia PoweObjavljeno 8. oktobra 2022 ob 17.20 Glede na novo poročilo, ki ga je objavil Center za nadzor in preprečevanje bolezni, je rekordno število otrok
Spell For Revenge
Love is a precious thing in life. If you want a lover who follows your rules and who will not leave you in any circumstances you can try this vashikaran specialist in Kamakhya . Almost in every love people are possessive about their lover. They need them every time and they wish they were the only
Mantra To Solve Relationship Problems
      Marriage is a pure bond between two couples . but sometimes due to misunderstanding a relationship will break . The broken marriages can often end in divorce or separation. But it is better to stop before things go too far. And that is why there is some very powerful mantra to stop divorce or
Tips To Fix Broken Relationship
       we face many problems in over daily life if your partner has lived with due to misunderstanding then you can use this valuable mantra Kamakhya devi vashikaran totke.If you are having any kind of trouble in your relationship with your boyfriend, you just need to know how to do vashikaran using
How To Make Someone Love You
  Love is one of the most powerful feelings in the world. It makes you feel things you didn’t know you can. You feel alive, and your entire life has a meaning. If it’s a two-way road and your partner feels the same way for you, there’s nothing more beautiful than that. Your life is sorted. But at ti
Mantra To Make Someone Miss You Badly
                        In today's world people are more busy with their work and they don't have much time to spend with their family and friends . Here is the best mantra to make someone you love . Shiv mantra to make someone love you . Love is one of the most powerful feelings in the world. It ma
Zakaj včeraj nisem (pri)šel na Odmeve: ker se je kakor ustrašil Cirman. A to še ni vse, saj tudi črne liste so še!
Odmevi in Tarča sta svetinji levega novinarskega establišmenta (oziroma leve novinarske elite) na javni RTV Slovenija. Tarča sicer manj (in manj časa), saj velja za bolj tabloidno, populistično, pa vodi jo "samo" Erika Žnidaršič, tista Erika, ki jo je pred leti, ko je vodila še bolj tabloidno in še
Mantra To Save Marriage
 A person is dealing with lots of people in daily life. time he/she did not give proper time to their partner . In that situation many conflicts arise between couples to resolve love related issues. You can use this genuine mantara temple to remove black magic . Marriage is a pure bond. Everyone des
Remove Unwanted Problems From Life
                           If you are noticing something unwanted happening between you and your partner . you are fighting with your partner without any reason you become more aggressive on small things then you can use this genuine  mantra to resolve your issues .black magic removal temple . If yo
Ways To Control Anyone
                                     Every relationship is beautiful and losing any of the relationships is hurtful because they make us sad. A long relationship needs lots of effort to stay strong . Nowadays people are interested in searching the chottanikkara temple to remove black magic . Love is
Strong Protection Against Evil Power
                                    We see many ups and downs in life . If you think your work has not run due to some evil eyes in that situation, we feel more frustrated and depressed . Here is a best astrologer who will help you to come up with these types of problems . kamakhya temple black magi
Mantra To Destroy Enemies
                 We see many evil eyes which do not see us happy . Some are over friends who do not feel good to see us happy and enjoying life too . If you think someone has done something wrong with you you want to punish them then you can use this mantra to punish enemies . without harming anyone
Mantra To Punish And Destroy Enemies
                       In human society many people feel jealous of us due to success . If you have any enemy use these tips: Hanuman mantra to punish enemies is a powerful and successful mantra to destroy the enemy. Also, you can use this mantra to protect yourself from the enemy. However, you also
Tips To Protect From Enemy
If your life is too disturbed and stressful and you want a permanent solution, then do not wait for more and contact our astrologer, he will suggest some mantra that will help you to overcome this difficult .Our expert has the most powerful mantra to overcome the enemy problem. Kali mantra to punish
Kaj vse doleti Boštjana M. Turka: tudi neskrite tendence Dominike Švarc Pipan - nekje med erotiko in sovraštvom
"V življenju še nisem doživel, da bi se najvišji predstavniki neke države tako neposredno sprenevedali o njeni usodi." Piše: Boštjan M. Turk* Težko je govoriti o sebi, a ker zadnja referendumska kampanja posega v bit tega, kar se dogaja v Republiki Sloveniji, človek ne more molčati. Dobrih štirina
Spell And Influence Your Life
                   Many enemies are surrounding us. Keep in mind there are many enemies within us. It is essential to destroy these enemies at the earliest. The fact is that external enemies inflict lots of harm to us. Therefore, we need to make use of an extremely powerful kali mantra to destroy th
Objavljamo šokantno pismo nekdanje sodelavke mame (Alemka Arsenović zaposlena sodišču) sedanjega mariborskega župana Saše Arsenovića. V njem razkrije več fizičnih napadov, ki jih je zagrešič trenutni mariborski župan. Med drugim razkriva podrobnosti fizičnega napada na lastno hčerko, o katerem smo v
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