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Gas Gas v roke skupine KTM, razlog je jasen – elektrika!
Avstrijski proizvajalec motornih koles KTM je v teh dneh prevzel 60% lastniški delež španskega proizvajalca Gas Gas, sicer specialista za enduro in trial motocikle. S tem so se še močneje utrdili na prvem mestu največjega evrospkega proizvajalca motociklov.
Gas Gas v roke skupine KTM, razlog je jasen – elektrika!
Avstrijski proizvajalec motornih koles KTM je v teh dneh prevzel 60% lastniški delež španskega proizvajalca Gas Gas, sicer specialista za enduro in trial motocikle. S tem so se še močneje utrdili na prvem mestu največjega evrospkega proizvajalca motociklov.
Pogovor s specialistom o zelo razširjeni bolezni + kako jo preprečevati
Ker je osteoartroza med sklepno-mišičnimi boleznimi pri starejši populaciji ena od najbolj razširjena bolezen, takoj za srčno-žilnimi obolenji, smo se o njej in možnostih njenega preprečevanja oziroma lajšanja pogovarjali s specialistom ortopedom, prof. dr. Dragom Dolinarjem.   
Free Black Magic To Separate Couples By World Famous Astrologer | +1 401-721-4381
Black Magic To Separate Couples Black magic to separate couples is a hope to get your partner back into your life again with the power of spells so that you can save your relationship with your soul mate. Get The Best Help Of Black Magic To Separate Couples Heart-breaking is painful. The illicit rel
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: Prevara s pandemijo COVID-19 in nepotrebnost cepiva
TV VITEL Intervju (slovenski podnapisi): Sucharit Bhakdi Univerzitetni profesor dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi je specialist za mikrobiologijo in infekcijsko epidemiologijo. 22 let je vodil Inštitut za medicinsko mikrobiologijo in higieno na Univerzi Johannesa Gutenberga v Mainzu in bil dejaven n
Contact Number Of Tantrik Baba Ji - Aghori Baba Ka Phone Number
Contact Number Of Tantrik Baba Ji India is such place where most of the people believe in the spirituality. People do let them to get engage in various supernatural powers. Thus is also called tantrik vidya. Tantra and mantra is something which is really powerful in itself. This is something which c
Love Marriage Specialist
Love Marriage Specialist Love Marriage Specialist: Love is not a new concept for us. As it has been going on since evolution of human beings. Actually we human beings are of social nature. We need someone with whom we can share our problems. This is the reason we often get attracted to that person w
Svarilo zdravnice Ane: Strogi ukrepi imajo uničujoče posledice
Pred dnevi je specialistka interne medicine Ana Prašnikar Debevc, ki na spletnih omrežjih velja za vplivnico, sporočila, da se pridružuje globalnemu protikarantenskemu gibanju, ki ga podpira že okoli 6000 strokovnjakov vsega sveta. Prepričani so, da imajo strogi ukrepi z zapiranjem javnega življenj
Specialist za materinsko in fetalno medicino dokazuje, da so COVID cepiva povzročila velik porast splavov in mrtvorojenih otrok
Dr. James Thorp, specialist za matrinsko in fetalno medicino, je razkril, da cepiva proti COVID-19 povzročajo veliko izgubo nosečnosti. Thorp je opozoril, da je prišlo do velikega porasta števila smrti in izgub nosečnosti, povezanih z injekcijami COVID-a, v primerjavi z drugimi cepivi. Predstavil j
Productive Mantra To Get Wife Back
A wife is a person who makes the family but with so many responsibilities sometimes make her irritated which prompts battles in the separation. Issues in marriage can be handily tackled with the assistance of vashikaran mantra for wife back. To give you separation and she would rather not acknowledg
Get A Mantra To Control Wife
If your wife has parted her ways and is living away from you. And not ready to hear anything but you want her back. Then you can use how to control wife and get her back which has helped many such persons in getting their wife back. Basically the motive of our is to take any particular person under
Tricks To Impress Husband
If your partner gets angry on small things you can use a real mantra to resolve love issues in your relationship . vashikaran mantra to control husband. The husband-wife relationship is a crucial one. Wives depend a lot on their husbands. Husbands go out of the house for work and many other things.
Mantra To Get Husband Back
how to vashikaran husband has helped many women to get the husband out of the influence of other women. Through the Vashikaran you can bring the love back in your married life and attract your husband once again. When all other solutions fail to make you happy in the relationship, then people choose
Effective Remedies To Cancel Marriage
Marriage doesn't occur where it is to be held. Under some impulse, marriages additionally happen under the strain of relatives. In such cases, the boy and lady ought to converse with you and afterward to one another's parents . A believed family or companion can likewise be placed in it. The entire
Spells To Get Your Ex Back
Use these love problem solution mantras to control love, get her attention, bring back love in marriage, make her happy, remove all bitterness, etc. These love problem solution mantras are suitable solutions to various issues that may be plaguing your married life. Love is an essential part of a fam
Methods To Get Your Husband Back
Looking for ways to do vashikaran mantra by photo? Need to draw in your adoration by the photo? The specialty of vashikaran mantra by photo is very old. You should have often seen that individuals do vashikaran, vashikaran is finished in numerous ways, some do vashikaran mantra by photo, some do it
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