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Evropa po Brexitu: "Trditev, da bomo iz Britanije izgnali vse tujce, je popoln nesmisel!"
Upiral sem se, da bi karkoli napisal o vprašanju Brexita, britanskega izstopa iz Evropske unije, dokler se vsa ta histerija ni polegla. Medijske špekulacije so bile še zlasti v kontinentalnem evropskem tisku osupljive, običajno pa rezultat slabe informiranosti. Naj omenim samo nekaj primerov. Piše: 
Hotel Art Senj
Hotel Art is at your disposal with 14 comfortabledouble rooms and 10 triple rooms. The rooms arepleasantly decorated, with details that will make your stay at the Hotel Art a special experience. Each roomis fully equipped and comfortable to stay, withsatellite TV, private bathroom in which there are
RIA GLOBAL FIREMAN - HUMAN RESCUE TOOL RIA GLOBAL FIREMAN is multifunctional firefighting tool which replaces several different tools that firefighters use in everyday job, saving human lives and property. This tool has been designed and developed by lot of experience during 30-year firefightingc
Zahteva ljudstva Vladi, Cerarju in DZ
/Za spodnje odločno sporočilo naši politiki zbiramo podpise do torka, 18.10.2016. Podpise lahko oddate na katerikoli FB strani, kjer bo sporočilo  objavljeno, ali na tej strani PW kot zasebno sporočilo, lahko pa tudi na elektronski poštni naslov bzabjek@gmail.com.  Podpisniki bodo redno dodajani na
Make it your property
RIA GLOBAL FIREMAN is a multifunctional firefighting tool, which replaces several different tools that firefighters use in everyday job, saving human lives and property. This tool has been designed and developed by lot of experience during 30-year firefighting career.   The basic idea that precede
Global Ria Fireman
Welcome to our pages. Here you can purchase an amazing multifunctional human rescue tool, which is very new on the market. We are pointing out firefighting because this tool is a result of more than 30 years of firefighting in extremely dangerous situation but in fact, this tool should be a nece
Janja Videc predstavlja novo kolekcijo iz ekološkega bombaža, ki si jo morate ogledati
"Basic kolekcija iz ekološkega bombaža je nastala z mislijo na vse ženske, ki cenijo unikaten, sodoben, minimalističen trajnostni dizajn in so hkrati ekološko ter etično ozaveščene," pravi slovenska modna oblikovalka Janja Videc.
Stop CETA!
February 15 - Let's finish off CETA Next Wednesday, 15 February, Members of the European Parliament will cast their vote on CETA, the EU-Canada trade deal. Mobilisation - CETA Vote - povezava Arguments We have collected a sample of the most problematic issues in CETA. You don’t have to use all of
Public quest. to the Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Milan Brglez
Nowhere in the Western civilization will you see a president of the most democratic body in the country nod to a journalist when saying that the country he represents was a step back not in the sense of statehood, but aspiration to the statehood. This statement, as well as numerous other excerpts fr
Public quest. to the Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Milan Brglez
»Do you really believe to be fit to hold a position of the Speaker of the National Assembly?« The basic presumption and principle of the functioning of any state is that its highest representatives act and lead with their example, not only respecting, but also defending the constitutional ethos of t
of:   I.   Ivan Janša of having committed a joint criminal act with Jože Zagožen, whereby Ivan Janša accepted a promise of reward on behalf of the other, and Jože Zagožen claimed and accepted a promise of reward on behalf of himself and the other party for the act of exercising their power
Prva  « 22 23 24 25 26 »  Zadnja
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