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Prof. dr. Miliša: Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija je zaslužila najstrožje sankcije in trajno diskreditacijo
Prof. Zlatko Miliša: ‘Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija zaslužila je najstrože sankcije i biti trajno diskreditirana’ Daniel Colnar : 6.10. 2020 Objavio sociolog in pedagog prof. Zlatko Miliša -5. listopada 2020. u 16:17 Vjerujem da će nove inkriminirajuće radnje vezane uz Svjetsku zdravstvenu orga
Starši zahtevajo policijsko preiskavo smrti njihove hčere, oče razkrije, da se je šele naučila govoriti očka ... potem pa so jo "zdravniki" ubili s petkratnim odmerkom zdravila, ki ga sploh ni potrebovala Sophie Burgess ne bi smela dobiti zdravila, ki jo je ubilo Tragedija se je razvila po tem, ko s
Pisma znanstvenikov in zdravnikov o zdravstvenih tveganjih 5G
2020 Consensus Statement of UK and International Medical and Scientific Experts  3500 Medical Doctors “Hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific studies have demonstrated adverse biological effects occurring in response to a range of NIR exposures below current safety guidelines;   however emissions con
Prihodnost cepiv - v bistvu gre samo za eno - MI (narod) ali ONI (vlada ) ! - James Corbet
Če se Gatesi in Fauciji in predstavniki mednarodnega zdravstvenega establishementa utrdijo v njihovi nameri, se življenje ne bo normaliziralo, dokler celotni planet ne bo cepljen proti SARS-CoV-2. Vendar mnogi še ne razumejo, da cepiva, ki se razvijajo za SARS-Cov-2, niso podobna cepivom, ki so bil
Nihče ne prihaja, da bi nas rešil. To bo odvisno od nas samih.
Nihče ne prihaja da bi nas rešil. To bo odvisno od nas samih, družbenih odpadkov, obžalovanja vrednih in kakršnih koli drugih imen, ki jih ti komunisti radi označujejo za nas. . Is This all Trump Has? December 30, 2020 "There is no one coming to save us. It is going to be up to us, the dregs
Razkritje kriminalne psihopatologije Billa Gatesa, goljufivega prikrivanja, terorističnega ogrožanja in izdaje
Razkrivanje Billa Gatesa, njegove "teroristične grožnje" in njegove kriminalne psihopatologije: mnenje / uvodnik avtorja: Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz in Sherri Kane . Introduction On April 27, 2018, the Business Insider published a widely circulated primer to persuade people to expect a mass killing
Dolgotrajna uporaba maske lahko prispeva k naprednemu stadiju pljučnega raka, ugotovitve študije
Long-term Mask Use May Contribute to Advanced Stage Lung Cancer, Study Finds PHILLIP SCHNEIDER All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** A recent study in the journa
TRAGEDIJA! 9 mrtvih v španskem domu za ostarele kmalu po prvih odmerkih s pfizerjem
TRAGEDIJA! 9 mrtvih v španskem domu za ostarele kmalu po prvih odmerkih s pfizerjem, a vseeno danih drugi odmerki - verska prepričanja o cepivih, ki povzročajo množično smrt starejših? The Sun in the UK has reported that nine nursing home residents in Spain have died 10 days after receiving the ex
'Zamaskirana usta' - zobozdravniki opozarjajo, da se je bolezen dlesni in razpadanje zob povečala za 50% od začetka obveznih mask
In light of national and global mandates to wear masks indoors, dentists have discovered that patients returning for check-ups are experiencing a 50% increase in both gum disease and tooth decay. Dentists have termed the condition “mask mouth” after the notorious “meth mouth” that tends to plague m
Zdravniki za COVID etiko: Cepiva za COVID-19 so nepotrebna, neučinkovita in nevarna
Avtorji: Doctors for Covid Ethics (28) Povzetek: Proizvajalci cepiva COVID-19 so bili izvzeti iz pravne odgovornosti za škodo, ki jo povzroči cepivo. Zato je v interesu vseh tistih, ki odobrijo, izvršujejo in dajejo cepiva COVID-19, da razumejo dokaze o tveganjih in koristih teh cepiv, saj bo odgov
Most with the early quests on Tython
For more than four decades, the epic space opera Star Wars has dominated the mainstream, weaving its influence throughout the global tapestry being a cultural adhesive. With three film trilogies swtor credits, two independent anthologies (such as the yet-to-release Solo: A Star Wars Story), and coun
Kanadski politik Derek Sloan uporablja Parliament Hill za podporo cenzuriranim zdravnikom in znanstvenikom, ki žvižgajo o genocidu in zločinih proti človeštvu COVID-19
vir: Weaver by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News One of our many dear Canadian subscribers emailed me a link to a press conference given in Ontario yesterday at Parliament Hill. PM Derek Sloan arranged the press conference, and invited Dr. Bryan Bridle, Dr. Patrick Phillips, and Dr. Donald
Spartacus dokument o biološkem orožju SARS CoV-2, nepravilnem zdravljenju COVID-19 bolnikov , nanotehnologiji in transhumanizmu
Pozdravljeni, Ime mi je Spartak in imam dovolj. Prisiljeni smo opazovati, kako Amerika in svobodni svet zaradi napada z biološkim orožjem nezadržno nazadujeta. Skupaj z neštetimi drugimi smo postali žrtve in smo se znašli v primežu propagande in psihološke vojne, ki jo proti Američanom in našim zav
Covid je najnovejši genocid, ki ga načrtuje Cia - Tako kot AIDS v resnici nikoli ni obstajal, tudi COVID v resnici ne obstaja.
This excellent video shows how the COVID GENOCIDE is based on a combination of the two widely-known, notorious CIA projects called MK-ULTRA and MKNAOIMI. Just as AIDS never really existed, neither does COVID really exist. The only thing the power-elite want you to BELIEVE is that you “need”
Avstralski policijski narednik odstopil: ''Ne morem več, mirne vesti, še naprej biti del tega spuščanja v totalitarno diktaturo .''
Severno ozemlje, avstralski policijski narednik odstopil: »Ne morem več, mirne vesti, še naprej biti del tega spuščanja v totalitarno 'pravno vladavino' na tem ozemlju.« "Naši" "slovenski" naredniki pa žrejo dodatke. Tiste, ki jih pokradejo delavcu s 500 eur "plače" za delo na soncu, mrazu, dežju, s
Be sure to check out Nikki Simpson’s post in the announcements/featured for full challenge instructions Here are just a handful of affirmation suggestions with some video links below. There is also a file under the file tab with affirmations Step into your power every single day by affirming yo
Globalno gospodarsko zatiranje.
Zvišanje obrestnih mer za ustvarjanje "mehkega pristanka" ali tako imenovane blage recesije ne bo imelo skoraj nobenega vpliva na realno inflacijo. Federal Reserve in večina drugih svetovnih centralnih bank lažejo o tem, kako obrestne mere vplivajo na inflacijo. Ni majhna zadeva, saj se očitno upor
BEST NEGATIVE PROGRESSION?! - "Negative Fibonacci" 안전사이트 승인전화없는 가입머니 System
0-32-15-19-4-21-2-25-17-34-6-27-13-36-11-30-8-23-10-5-24-16-33-1-20- 14-31-9-22-18-29-7-28-12-35-3-26 이 전략은 신규 진입자로부터 기존의 보호를 제공하고 카지노가 높은 마진을 가질 수 있게 했으며 결과적으로 주에서 업계에 상대적으로 높은 세율을 부과할 수 있게 했습니다. 기계공인 Charles Fey가 1895년에 최초의 슬롯 머신을 발명했을 때 카지노에서도 플레이되지 않았고 라스베가스에서 멀리 떨어져 있었습니다. 딜러의 손을 이길 수 없다고 생각되면
Simple And Effective Mantra For Love
Time is going according to their pace . if you think that your partner wants to separate with you due to some misunderstanding or some small fight . but you don't want to separate with your love of life . then you can use the real mantra to stay someone in your life . Kamakhya devi vashikaran mantra
Black Magic To Make Lovers Fight Each Other
According to Online Spellcaster, the free spell is effective for fighting two people and works even better with vinegar or orange. an astrologer can spell to make two people fight and can prevent flare-ups . Of course the most important element for it to work is your intention. Focus on your deepest
Voodoo Spell That Works For Couples Breakup
Many relationships are destined to last forever; However, some unions cannot function due to certain reasons. When it is certain that a relationship is going nowhere, there is no need to move on. You can break free from that unwanted relationship with simple voodoo break up spells for free by an exp
Get A Mantra To Control Wife
If your wife has parted her ways and is living away from you. And not ready to hear anything but you want her back. Then you can use how to control wife and get her back which has helped many such persons in getting their wife back. Basically the motive of our is to take any particular person under
Best Mantra For Love Marriage
In most cases, the problem of love marriage appears when the spouses come from different castes. Most Indian parents refuse to accept their children’s caste marriage. However, the caste system prohibits marriage outside the caste itself in this country. But the positive side is that the new India be
Dua To Complete Your All Dream
Dua is an extremely powerful tool that is helpful to solve any kinds of problems and complete all the desires that you have. Lots of people have many wishes and they all want to complete it by using shortcuts like spells. If you believe in astrology and you want to get success in your life by astrol
Attract Your Husband Sexually
When we experience feelings of stress or are feeling down on ourselves, we become distracted, and it becomes easier for us to project our insecurities onto our partner rather than attraction.ya wadoodo for husband love . Unfortunately, this lack of effort is often mistaken for a decrease in attract
Effective Way For Getting Your Lost Love Back
No matter how much you love someone, there are high chances of getting into disputes. You start fighting with your love without any reason and this can damage the relationship if any of you have high anger levels. husband vashikaran mantra . Many relationships break and are made in a day but your re
Best Hoodoo For Break A Relationship
Have you been seeing abuses in a relationship including somebody you care about? There's a critical need to project a hoodoo break up spell to disintegrate that relationship calmly. With a viable hoodoo break up spell , your old flame will fly off the handle. Furthermore, regardless of whether you'r
Mantra For Inter-Caste Marriage Problem
Being in love is ecstasy, but convincing parents for an inter-caste marriage is entirely different. But need not worry because astrologers have the solution for how to convince parents for love marriage in different castes. mantra to convince parents for love marriage . The astrological remedies or
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